Relationships and Keeping safe

You’re Not Alone

We know that it can be scary sometimes but there is always someone that can help you.

How We Will Help You

We will help you keep in touch with people that are special to you or used to care for you in the past.

You will have a Personal Advisor that replaces your social worker. They will be able to help with most things and should be the first person you talk to.

You will be supported by lots of other people. There are too many to list,
but they include:

  • Staff at the virtual school
  • Youth workers
  • College staff
  • Connexions and career advisers
  • Foster carers
  • Housing workers
  • Health workers

You will receive a regular newsletter designed by care experienced young people. It will have lots of information, advice and useful tips.

You can contact the Emergency Duty Team if you need to talk to somebody out of hours. They can be called on 0121 569 2355. If you tell them that you are a care leaver they will help you.

You can receive support from a mentor. Your PA will be able to tell you about this.

Additional services

Additional services are available for Care Leavers depending on your status.

Children and young people with a disability have access to the Send Local Offer which is tailored specifically to your needs.

This section explains what is provided for each leaver status.

When you are 16-17 years old

  • You will have a social worker who knows you and knows how you are feeling
  • You can have an independent visitor. They will be provided by an organisation called Sova. If you need to keep in touch with this person when you reach 18, we can help you do this

When you are 16-17 years old

  • You will have a Personal Adviser who knows you and knows how you are feeling

Useful Resources and Websites

Contact us if you use a website that you think would fit nicely in here